Public Survey
We want to hear from you! Take our survey to help us make Travis County parks the best for our community.
The survey is open from January 2nd to February 21st, 2025.
Welcome to the community engagement website for Travis County Parks! We are conducting public engagement to inform our 2026 Travis County Comprehensive Parks Plan.
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Travis County is an ecologically and socially diverse community that is rapidly growing. Travis County Parks include spaces as diverse as Pace Bend, Reimer's Ranch, and Southeast Metro Park, as well as iconic destinations like Hamilton Pool, Hippie Hollow, and Richard Moya Park. The creation of a County Comprehensive Parks Plan will allow the community to determine the priorities and desires in protecting and improving these increasingly important green spaces.
Travis County will collaborate across departments and with multiple partners to gather public feedback and create the new Comprehensive Parks Plan. Relevant Organizations, including the Travis County Parks Foundation and area recreation experts, will guide and advise the process. The National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) will help with meeting facilitation, public engagement, and planning. Mend Collaborative will develop the comprehensive plan based on expert and public feedback.
In order to accurately reflect the public's opinions and desires for the future of Travis County's parks, we plan to work closely with area stakeholders, residents, and local government and non-profit organizations over the next several months. Through surveys, participatory mapping, and public workshops, citizens will have an opportunity to provide detailed input regarding the parks, including their appearance, amenities, and programming. This input will be used to develop and refine the Comprehensive Parks Plan.
Have any questions? Email us at
We want to hear from you! Take our survey to help us make Travis County parks the best for our community.
The survey is open from January 2nd to February 21st, 2025.
Tell us your opinions about Travis County parks through this mapping exercise. You can comment on issues, opportunities, and suggestions you have for the parks.
Share experiences you have had in Travis County Parks!
Join us for our first round of public workshops on January 29th at 12:00pm-1:30pm OR January 30th at 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Timeline item 1 - active
Community Engagement Round 1: January - February 2025
Round 1 of community engagement will help us learn about how community members are using the parks and understand concerns and opportunities about the parks. This stage includes a public workshop, a survey, community mapping, experience sharing, community pop-ups, and focus groups.
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Public Workshop #1 : January 29 @12:00pm-1:30pm OR January 30 @6:00pm-7:30pm
Join us for our first Public Workshop, held virtually on Zoom. Register here.
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Community Engagement Round 2: March - April 2025
Round 2 of community engagement will allow us to receive feedback on our plan's vision, goals, and objectives. This stage includes a second workshop, a second survey, community pop-ups, and public feedback.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Public Workshop #2: March 2025
More information on this Public Workshop is to come.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Community Engagement Round 3: May - July 2025
Round 3 of community engagement will provide feedback on plan recommendations. This stage includes a third workshop, community event pop-ups, and virtual feedback.
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
Community Engagement Round 4: August 2025 - February 2026
Round 4 of community engagement will allow us to receive feedback on the draft Comprehensive Plan and learn about community priorities for the implementation of the plan. This stage includes a fourth workshop, finalization of the plan, and plan approval.